Firefox 4 Beta for Mobile - the 2 beta released

The second beta of Firefox 4 for mobile is now available for download in 10 languages on Android or Maemo device. Now it is more faster and sleeker.

What's New

* Reduced install size by 60% on Android
* JavaScript performance is improved. Now 25% faster than stock browser on SunSpider.
* Page loads are now around 40% faster than in beta 1
* Battery usage has been reduced
* Fixed problems that would cause you to get a black screen when launching the app
* Reduced memory footprint
* Improved text spacing
* Now localized in 10 languages
* New theme
* You can now undo closing a tab
* The native Android sharing system is now used when you share a link
* Desktop notifications are now supported
* Finger friendly video controls
* Content crashes will no longer take down the whole browser
* Users will now be prompted to submit crash reports when the browser crashes
* Beta tester tools for Android
* Faster and more accurate multitouch zoom
* Geolocation now works on Android

Supported Devices

1. Maemo

* Nokia N900

2. Android

* Firefox is compatible with Android 2.0 and above devices.
* Installation requires approximately 32MB internal storage, plus 12MB SD storage.


Visit on your Android phone, or Nokia N900.