Nokia, Is this a Goal you Can Achieve?

Some of you will remember that I disavowed my relationship with Nokia after my disastrous N97 experience. However, brought me back to the fold via the Nokia E72.  Unfortunately, this has resulted in my being a three-phone carrier.  In no specific order, the rewards go to…
Mobile No1, the iPhone, sorry, but I can not remove myself from it or the appstore, they are in-built into my DNA. Mobile No2, the Nokia N82, for the imaging and xenon flash-to-die-for capability.  Mobile No3, the E72, for its business, battery, Oxford Dictionary and Gravity efficiency and keeping me up-to-date with all fingers in the social and symbian-pie.  [Yes, I am aware the iPhone does all that, but the iPhone battery still has plenty to learn and I have needs and goals that only a Nokia E72 can fulfill.

I can see a resolution here Nokia?  I remain unconvinced by your n-series and touch capability – be it either resistive or capacitive, but I am loving your E-series.  The build, and craftmanship are far superior to your previous handsets that I have owned, barring a little light leakage here and there. (With the exception of the 8800 series which were built to last and which I can not fault).  Make my next move the E-series s^4 with proven xenon image capture to match my Nokia N82 and then and only then,  you will be able finally to prise it from within my grasp.  In less than a year I want to be a two-phoner with the iPhone4 and Nokia E-series xenon s^4.  Nokia, is this a goal you can achieve?